Papers on Scotus's ethics and moral psychology
"The Problem with the Vatican Edition of Ordinatio III.26-40" (2014: Web-only)"The Franciscans" (2013)
"Scotus on Action" (2010)
"The Divine Nature and Scotus's Libertarianism: A Reply to Mary Beth Ingham" (2009: Web-only)
"From Metaethics to Action Theory" (2003)
"A Most Methodical Lover? On Scotus's Arbitrary Creator" (2000)
"The Unmitigated Scotus" (1998)
"The Libertarian Foundations of Scotus's Moral Philosophy" (1998)
"Reason, Morality, and Voluntarism in Duns Scotus: A Pseudo-Problem Dissolved" (1997)
"How Scotus Separates Morality from Happiness" (1995)